Select Projects
I am very proud of my participation in these projects, and I thank all those responsible for hiring me and for bringing these wonderful projects to life.
Fiction Editing:
- Hopkins, Linda K. New Star Rising (Shadowlands Book 3). 2023.
- Ayira, Ayura. Root of All Evil. 2022.
- Ayira, Ayura. Good Girls Die: #EMO. 2022.
- Lewis, James H. The Quadrant Conspiracy: The Plot to Kill FDR. 2022.
- Eedy, Lorne. Rocks With a Story. KDBooks, 2022.
- Hopkins, Linda K. Claimed by the Dark (Shadowlands Book 2). 2022.
- Roberts, Justin. Splendour and Life. 2022.
- Roberts, Justin. The Great Archangel. 2021.
- Kontos, Angelo. The Tournament. BookBaby, 2021.
- Waters, H. Echo (Book One). 2021.
- Oudshoorn, Dan. A Magnificent Work. Resource Publications, 2020.
- Eedy, Lorne. Gay Cheese. KDBooks, 2020.
- Sigfusson, Sandra. The Creative Director. 2020.
- Sigfusson, Sandra. Avalon. 2019.
- Sigfusson, Sandra. Mr. Magnificent. 2019.
- D’Orazio, Rita. The Legend of the Coco Palms Resort. Wasteland Press, 2018.
- Lawrence, Sam & Jackson, Ben. Hockey Wars. Indie Publishing Group, 2018.
- Vermeersch, Wade & Muntean, Pamela Escape to Erie’s End. Wader Likes Media, 2018.
- Lawrence, Sam & Jackson, Ben. The Day My Fart Followed Me to the Zoo. Indie Publishing Group, 2017.
- Hopkins, Linda K. Dance with a Dragon. 2017.
- Sharon Neiss. Me and My So-Called Friends. Ahava Chai, 2017.
- Hopkins, Linda K. Forever a Dragon. 2016.
- Hopkins, Linda K. Bound by a Dragon. 2016.
- Hopkins, Linda K. Loved by a Dragon. 2015.
- Hopkins, Linda K. Pursued by a Dragon. 2015.
- Brian George. Erin Moynahan. 2014.
- Kirk, Richard A. The Lost Machine. Radiolaria Studios, 2012.
- McGregor, Al. A Porous Border. 2012.
- Harris, James T. The Third Craft. BPS Books, 2012.
- Purdy, Bruce. Tree Mend Us People. CrackerJack Productions, 2010.
Nonfiction Editing:
- United Nations. Study on the Legality of the Israeli Occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Including East Jerusalem. 2023.
- Elliott, Sinikka. Not My Kid: What Parents Believe About the Sex Lives of Their Teenagers. New York University Press, 2012.
- Dunn, Peter. Holistic Healing: Theories, Practices, and Social Change. Canadian Scholars, 2019.
- Burrett, John. How to be Clear and Compelling with Data. 2019.
- Keon, Julie. What I Would Tell You: One Mother's Adventure with Medical Fragility. Merocea Publishing, 2017.
- Hutchison, Lisa M. Iron Annie and a Long Journey. Tredition, 2017.
- Sinclair, Joanne. Living and Learning Outside the Box. Volumes Direct, 2016.
- Irving, Howard H. Children Come First: Mediation, Not Litigation When Marriage Ends. Dundurn, 2011.
- Milevsky, Moshe A. & Macqueen, Alexandra C. Pensionize Your Nest Egg: How to Use Product Allocation to Create a Guaranteed Income for Life. Wiley, 2010.
- Simonson, Michael G. Heatstroke: Why Canada's Summer Olympic Program Is Failing -- And How We Can Fix It. BPS Books.
- Hands, Brian W. Finding Your Voice: A Voice Doctor's Holistic Guide for Voice Users, Teachers, and Therapists. BPS Books, 2009.
- Clarke, Gwendoline P. Chronicles of Ginger Farm: Life on a Small Canadian Farm During Times of Great Global Change, 1929-1962. BPS Books, 2009.
- Hatanaka, Jan. The Choice: Finding Life in the Face of Death. Six Stories from a Therapist's Casebook. ECW Press, 2008.
- Horn, Art. Beyond Ego: Influential Leadership Starts Within. ECW Press, 2008.
- Philips, Ed. Your Guide to the Perfect Smile. Bastian Books, 2008.
- Van Der Hoop, Sona. The Elevator Effect: A Tale about the Power of People Connecting. Bastian Books, 2008.
- Clark, Paul. Southern Cross: Lost and Found on the Streets and in the Jungles of Peru. BPS Books, 2008.
- Geller, Alan. Scary Diagnosis - How I Took Charge Of My Health and Life and How You Can Take Charge Of Yours. 2007.
- Clitheroe, Eleanor (Editor). Women Rising: How Canadian Women Are Breaking Free from Criminal Pasts and Building a Better Future. ECW Press, 2007.
- Gideon, Bruno. Not at My Expense. Matterhorn Publishing, 2006.
- McCulloch, Bob and Gluck, Julia. The Vowels of Personal Power. ECW Press, 2006.
Scientific, Corporate, and Nonprofit Work
- For Bridgeable: patient-facing pharmaceutical information materials.
- For AMI (Accessible Media Inc.): descriptive audio for hundreds of film and TV productions, including All in the Family, Stargate SG-1, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Les Misérables, Smokey and the Bandit, Being Human, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, Magnum P.I., Da Vinci’s Inquest, and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
- For HORN: training manuals, business proposals, and executive communications for clients including Mazda, SC Johnson, Parmalat, Acklands Grainger, Bell Mobility, Plan Group, adidas Canada, and Scotiabank.
- For Deloitte: financial reports, proposals, and annual reports for various Fortune 500 clients.
- In the international development sector: proposals and reports for audiences including USAID, the International Labour Organization, and the United Nations Development Programme.